Cold & Flu

Is Your Kid Sick? Here’s What to Do First

As a parent, you know when your kid is not acting like their normal self. They’re fussy and irritable, or turning down their favorite foods at dinnert...

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10 Tips to Relieve Your Runny Nose or Nasal Congestion

Got a case of the sniffles? Chances are that your nose is running...

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How Long Does the Flu Typically Last?

According to the CDC, the flu can really wreak havoc on you, knoc...

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What are Influenza Type A Flu and Type B Flu?

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Common Cold Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

You notice that your throat feels irritated and scratchy. The nex...

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10 Ways to Support Your Immune System

Our immune systems work hard every day to keep us healthy. And ye...

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10 Tips to Prevent Spreading Your Cold

When cold symptoms strike, you want relief, fast. [DayQuil and Ny...

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What You Need to Know About High Blood P...

The human body is an incredible machine constantly working to mai...

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Fruity, gummy, drug-free?

You know what you like.

Check your Symptoms - Vicks
Check your Symptoms - Vicks